, R/purrr-map2.R
, R/purrr-pmap.R
The map functions transform their input by applying a function to each element and returning a list/vector/data.table.
returns a list
, _int
, _dbl
, _df
variants return their specified type
& _dfc
Return all data frame results combined utilizing row or column binding
map(.x, .f, ...)
map_lgl(.x, .f, ...)
map_int(.x, .f, ...)
map_dbl(.x, .f, ...)
map_chr(.x, .f, ...)
map_dfc(.x, .f, ...)
map_dfr(.x, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
map_df(.x, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
walk(.x, .f, ...)
map_vec(.x, .f, ..., .ptype = NULL)
map2(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_lgl(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_int(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_dbl(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_chr(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_dfc(.x, .y, .f, ...)
map2_dfr(.x, .y, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
map2_df(.x, .y, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
map2_vec(.x, .y, .f, ..., .ptype = NULL)
pmap(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_lgl(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_int(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_dbl(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_chr(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_dfc(.l, .f, ...)
pmap_dfr(.l, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
pmap_df(.l, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
pmap_vec(.l, .f, ..., .ptype = NULL)