Functionality improvements
  • pmap() now preserves names (#809)
  • Package developers no longer need to define .datatable.aware = TRUE when using tidytable in their package (#269)
Bug fixes
  • Attempting to rename columns using group_by() now leads to an error (#799)
  • pmap() family works with data frame inputs (#803)
  • filter() properly handles when comparing to NA when .by is used (#812)
  • paged.print has been removed since it was breaking console printing (#810)
Functionality improvements
  • verb.() functions have been removed
Bug fixes
  • count() has a more helpful error message when pick() is used (#778)
  • unnest(keep_empty = TRUE) preserves vectors of length 0 (#783)
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • Patch release to pass CRAN checks for future R release
New functions
Bug fixes
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • case_match(): When comparing input vector to a length 1 literal
  • verb.() functions are now deprecated (e.g. mutate.()). Users should now use the verb() versions of functions.
New functions
Functionality improvements
  • nest(): Gains .by and .key args
  • tidytable(): Auto-names unnamed inputs
  • slice_*() family: by arg added to match dplyr semantics. .by can still be called by the user instead of by.
  • dt(): Can use let() to add columns even on older versions of data.table
Bug fixes
Breaking changes
  • slice_head()/_tail(): .by arg must be explicitly named when slicing by group
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • mutate(): When overwriting existing columns on data frames with a high number of columns (>1000)
Functionality improvements
Bug fixes
  • Using by = character() in joins is now deprecated. Users should instead use cross_join().
New functions
Functionality improvements
  • %in% falls back to base::'%in%' when input types aren’t compatible with vec_in() (@krterberg, #632)
  • relocate(): Can rename columns that are moved
  • Joins: Can now do cross joins by specifying by = character()
  • group_by(): Gains .add argument
  • ungroup(): Gains ... arguments
  • Printing of grouped tidytables now shows grouping variables
Bug fixes
Functions with notable speed improvements
Dotless functions!
  • tidytable now exports dotless versions of all functions (e.g. arrange()/mutate()/etc.).
  • verb.() syntax is still available to users for backwards compatibility.
    • Users can use both tidytable and dplyr by simply loading dplyr after tidytable, as the verb.() functions won’t be overwritten by dplyr.
New functions
Functionality improvements
Bug fixes
New Functions
  • consecutive_id.()
  • if_else.()
    • Note: Alternate syntax ifelse.() (introduced in v0.4.0) will remain in the package
  • %in%
Functionality improvements
  • arrange.(): Can use .env inside arrange expressions
  • case_when.(): Gains .default/.ptype/.size args
  • coalesce.(): Gains .ptype/.size args
  • relocate.(): Now properly handles multiple columns selected in .before or .after
  • slice_min.()/slice_max.(): Gain with_ties argument
Bug Fixes
  • Nested calls to across.() are handled properly (#505)
  • across.(): Can namespace functions in .fns arg (#511)
  • as_tidytable(): Can keep row names when converting a matrix (#527)
  • unnest.(): Handles empty data frames (@roboton, #530)
  • nth.(): Extracts list elements (#534)
  • arrange.(): Properly sorts NAs (#541)
  • arrange_across./mutate_across./summarize_across. are now defunct. They have been deprecated with warnings since v0.6.4 (Jul 2021). Users must now use across.() inside arrange.()/mutate.()/summarize.().
New functions
  • na_if.()
Functionality improvements
  • expand_grid.(): Works with data frame inputs
  • first.()/last.()/nth.(): Gain na_rm arg
  • mutate_rowwise.(): Gains .keep, .before, and .after args
  • tidytable(): Auto-unpacks unnamed data frame inputs
Breaking changes
  • count.(): Default name is now n instead of N to match dplyr semantics
Bug fixes
  • bind_cols.(): Correctly handles lists (#446)
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • arrange.()
  • case_when.(): Faster when conditions evaluate to NA
  • group_split.()
  • left_join.(): Faster when keep = FALSE (the default)
  • select.()
  • uncount.()
Other notes
  • tidytable no longer directly depends on lifecycle
New functions
  • pmap.()
Functionality improvements
  • summarize.(): Now sorts by the grouping variables when .by is used.
  • dt(): Experimental support for tidy evaluation
  • as_tidytable(): Now defaults to .name_repair = "unique" to relax restrictions on creating new tidytables
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • dt(): Faster when adding new columns or updating existing columns
  • as_tidytable(): Faster when converting data.frame or list objects to a tidytable
  • get_dummies.()
Bug fixes
  • across.(): .cols arg can find environment variables in custom functions (#389)
  • Joins: Duplicate columns are treated properly when keep = FALSE (#397)
  • Can use anonymous functions inside map functions inside mutate.() (#402)
New functions
  • add_count.()
  • cur_column.()
  • cur_data.()
Bug fixes
  • unite.(): New column is always placed before the first united column in the data frame, regardless of order provided.
  • Can use .data pronoun inside desc() in arrange.() (#371)
Functionality improvements
  • left/right/inner/full joins gain suffix and keep args (#354)
  • rename.(): Can now rename columns by position (#361)
  • unite.(): The new column is placed before united columns to match tidyr behavior
New functions
Functionality improvements
  • .data and .env pronouns now work in tidytable functions
  • across.(): Works inside of a named mutate.(). Useful with rowSums/rowMeans (#346)
  • first.()/last.(): Gain a default arg
  • mutate.(): Can use stringr::str_glue() without specifying .envir
  • replace_na.(): Checks that replace arg only uses columns that exist in the data frame
New functions
  • nth.()
Bug fixes
  • mutate.(): Can assign to the same column when .by = character(0) (#332)
Functionality improvements
  • between() is now auto-translated to between.() when used inside tidytable functions
  • %notin% now uses %chin% on character vectors
Bug fixes
  • across.(): Can pass extra arguments to a list of functions (#319)
New functions
  • fread.()
  • fwrite.()
Bug fixes
  • Traceback error messages no longer unnecessarily print the full data frame (#305)
New functions
  • unnest_longer.()
  • unnest_wider.()
Functionality improvements
  • bind_rows.()/bind_cols.()
    • Can splice lists of data frames using !!!
  • mutate.(): Can use glue::glue() without specifying .envir
  • pull.(): Added a name argument
  • separate.(): Can omit output columns by using NA in into
  • tidytable(): Can splice quosures
  • unnest.(): Added keep_empty arg
  • The following functions have all been deprecated due to the addition of across.() in v0.6.1
    • arrange_across.()
    • mutate_across.()
    • summarize_across.()
New functions
  • enframe.()
  • first.()
  • last.()
Functionality improvements
  • Subclasses and attributes are now preserved when using bind_cols, bind_rows, group_split, or joins.
  • complete.(): Added a .by argument
  • expand.(): Added a .by argument
  • mutate.(): Auto-names unnamed inputs
  • transmute.(): Auto-names unnamed inputs
Bug fixes
  • expand.() with nesting.()
    • Additional double vectors can have negative values (#282)
New functions
  • cur_group_id.()/cur_group_rows.()
  • n_distinct.()
  • nesting.()
Functionality improvements
  • mutate.():
    • Added .keep argument
    • Added .before/.after arguments
  • tidytable(): Added .name_repair argument
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • filter.() when .by is used
New functions
  • across.()
  • coalesce.()
Functionality improvements
  • group_split.(): Added a .named argument. If .named = TRUE, the resulting list will have names that indicate the group they are a part of.
  • pivot_longer.(): Can now use names_to = c(".value", NA) to drop the id column.
Bug fixes
  • if_all.()/if_any.()
    • No longer try to use .by columns (#225)
    • Can use n() in filtering (#226)
  • pivot_longer.()
    • No longer converts factor values to character (#202, #234)
    • Preserves column order when using names_to = c(".value", "id") (#235)
New functions
  • if_all.()/if_any.()
Functionality improvements
  • replace_na.(): Can now replace NULL values in list-columns
  • Splicing lists using !!! now works in crossing.() and expand_grid.()
  • The following tidyverse functions are now automatically converted to their tidytable verb.() equivalents when used inside of tidytable’s mutate/arrange/filter/summarize/slice.
Bug fixes
  • pivot_longer.(): Correctly pivots unbalanced datasets when ".value" is used in names_to (@moutikabdessabour, #212)
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • mutate_across.()
  • mutate_rowwise.() when c_across.() is used
  • slice.()/slice_head.()/slice_tail.()/slice_min.()/slice_max.()
Other news
  • tidytable has dropped the tibble package as a dependency and now uses pillar instead. tibble was originally used for its trunc_mat() function that enabled tidytables to print like tibbles do in console. pillar is the same package that tibble uses in the background.
New functions
  • between.()
Functionality improvements
  • as_tidytable(): Gains .name_repair and .keep_rownames args
  • count.(): Added wt, sort and name args. (@moutikabdessabour, #196)
  • mutate.(): Variables are now updated in order when using “.by” (#166)
  • pivot_longer.()
    • Added names_prefix arg
    • Can now use ".value" in names_to
  • pivot_wider.(): Can now use ".value" in names_glue
  • separate.(): Added convert arg
  • summarize.(): Variables are now created in order (#188)
Breaking changes
  • pivot_longer.(): values_drop_na is no longer the 5th argument in the function
  • pivot_wider.(): values_fn & values_fill args are no longer the 6th & 7th args
New functions
  • c_across.()
  • extract.()
  • mutate_rowwise.()
  • nest.()
  • slice_sample.()
Functionality improvements
  • pivot_longer.()
    • New args: names_sep, names_pattern, names_ptypes, names_transform, names_repair, values_ptypes, values_transform, fast_pivot
    • fast_pivot arg: Faster pivoting. The “names” column will be a factor instead of character. Default is set to FALSE to match tidyverse semantics. Note: This option sets variable.factor = TRUE in data.table::melt(), which is what leads to it being faster.
  • pivot_wider.()
    • New args: names_prefix, names_glue, names_sort, names_repair
  • The dt_verb() versions of functions have been removed from the package. They have been deprecated with warnings since v0.5.2
Functionality improvements
  • crossing.(): Now works with data frame inputs (@moutikabdessabour, #143)
  • distinct.(): Can rename columns (#153)
  • get_dummies.(): Dummy columns are now sorted in alphabetical order
  • pivot_wider.(): Added values_fill argument
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • get_dummies.()
  • fill.()
  • slice.()
Bug fixes
  • mutate.(): Can delete a column using NULL when .by is provided (#151)
  • mutate_across.(): Can reference other columns in .fns call (#145)
  • slice.(): Works when .by contains all columns (#158)
  • unnest.(): Works when the only column is the list column (#144)
Breaking changes
  • bind_cols.(): Name repair uses vec_as_names() instead of vec_as_names_legacy()
Functionality improvements
  • bind_cols.(): Added .name_repair arg
  • unnest.(): Added names_sep and names_repair args
  • print()
    • Added n, width, and n_extra args
    • Now prints like tibbles in all cases (special thanks to @moutikabdessabour)
  • slice.(): Can now drop specified rows with negative numbers
New functions
  • arrange_across.()
  • case_when.()
    • The old “case when” translation case.() will remain in the package, as it is called like data.table::fcase() but allows for the default to be a vector.
  • desc.()
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • slice.()
  • unnest.(): .keep_all arg changed to .drop
Breaking changes
  • bind_rows.(): Removed .use_names and .fill args
    • These are now assumed to be TRUE, which matches dplyr semantics.
  • complete.(): .fill arg renamed to fill
  • pull.(): defaults to var = -1 instead of var = NULL
    • The result is the same when using the default value, but will break cases where var = NULL was explicitly called.
  • slice.(): .by must be named when slicing by group
Functionality improvements
  • tidytable now integrates better with tidyverse functions through vctrs. This means code such as vec_cbind(tibble::tibble(x = 1:3), tidytable(y = "foo")) will bind the results into a tidytable.
  • complete.(): Can now append extra values
  • pull.(): Numerical selection now works
  • slice.(): Now uses ... to select which rows to slice
New functions
  • semi_join.()
Bug fixes
  • rename.(): Works when there are spaces in the column names (#109)
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • replace_na.()
Breaking changes
  • Column names auto-generated by summarize_across.() now use a suffix instead of a prefix
Functionality improvements
  • mutate_across.(): Added .names arg to help with naming newly created columns
  • summarize_across.(): Added .names arg to help with naming newly created columns
  • summarize.(): Added .sort arg to optionally sort the resulting data.table
Bug fixes
  • transmute.(): Doesn’t drop “by” columns (#98)
  • slice.()
    • Allows gaps in rows arg (#99)
    • Doesn’t reorder columns when using .by (#101)
  • full_join.(): No longer returns a keyed data.table (#102)
Breaking changes
  • bind_rows.()
    • use.names arg renamed to .use_names
    • fill arg renamed to .fill
New functions
  • complete.()
  • crossing.()
  • expand.()
  • expand_grid.()
  • uncount.()
Functionality improvements
  • replace_na.(): Now works on data.frame/data.table inputs as well as vectors
  • desc.() has been deprecated due to incompatibility with character columns
  • This version contains general performance improvements
  • Group by arg by has been deprecated for .by. This will allow “by” to be used as a column name in mutate.() & summarize.() in future releases.
  • All dt_verb() functions are soft deprecated
New functions
  • separate_rows.()
Functionality improvements
  • unnest.(): Added .keep_all arg to keep all list columns that were not unnested
New functions
  • summarize_across.() & summarise_across.()
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed distinct.() bug where it wasn’t returning unique rows
  • tidytable now works with quosures
  • tidyselect v0.1.1 compatibility: Updated functions to use where()
Functionality improvements
  • nest_by.(): Added .keep arg
  • Old select helpers like everything.() are now replaced by normal helpers like everything()
  • rename_across/_if/_at/_all have been superseded by rename_with.()
Breaking changes
  • group_split.(): keep arg renamed to .keep
New functions
  • lags.() & leads.()
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • case.()
  • tidytable now utilizes tidyselect & vctrs
Breaking changes
  • get_dummies.(): cols arg defaults to c(is.character, is.factor). The result is the same, but is more consistent with other enhanced selection functions
  • mutate_across.(): .funs argument renamed to .fns to match dplyr 1.0
New functions
  • desc.()
  • unite.()
Functionality improvements
  • Paged printing now works in Rmarkdown
  • bind_rows.(): Does name checking and fills missing
  • distinct.(): Added .keep_all argument
  • fill.(): Preserves column order when using “by”
  • group_split.(): Added keep arg
  • nest_by.()
    • Can now unnest multiple columns in one call
    • data.tables in a list column can now have different ncols and different column order
  • select.(): Now allows column renaming
  • transmute.(): Summary functions (mean/max/etc.) can now be used
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • distinct.()
  • drop_na.()
  • relocate.()
Bug fixes
  • group_split.(): Now returns a list of tidytables instead of data.tables
  • left_join.(): Now works with “by” columns of different names
New syntax
  • All functions are now written as verb.()
  • dt_verb() functions still work, but may be slowly deprecated in future releases
Functionality improvements
  • Enhanced selection now works in “by” calls
  • filter.() now works with “by”
  • pivot_wider.() can now be used with an aggregation function
  • pull.() defaults to last column in a data.table
New functions
  • ifelse.()
  • n.()
  • nest_by.() replaces dt_group_nest()
  • row_number.()
  • transmute.()
  • unnest.() replaces dt_unnest_legacy()
  • Select helper any_of.()
Functions with notable speed improvements
  • fill.()
  • pivot_longer.()
  • unnest.()
tidytable class
  • New tidytable class is a data.table subclass with cleaner printing.
  • Operates like a data.table in all other cases.
  • All tidytable functions automatically convert to tidytable class in the background.
New functions
  • tidytable constructors:
  • dt_get_dummies(): Get dummy variables
  • dt_separate()
  • dt_pivot_longer() “cols” arg now defaults to dt_everything() instead of NULL. The result is the same, but is more consistent with other enhanced selection functions
  • .N now works when using dt_slice() & variants
  • Function length limit bug no longer occurs when using ~ in dt_map()
  • Updated dt() docs per CRAN instructions
Breaking changes
  • dt_mutate() & dt_rename() no longer modify-by-reference
  • dt_unnest_legacy() drops “keep” argument, but automatically keeps all non-nested columns.
    • New translation is ~5-10x faster than before
Functionality improvements
  • dt() now automatically converts data.frame input to a data.table
  • dt_mutate_across(): Added “by” arg
Bug fixes
  • dt_left_join() fix so columns are ordered correctly
  • Initial release